We have to get back to the basics. Stop depressing news from getting into your system and help yourself to remember these simple but effective ways of surviving.
1. shopping for wants that are not needed fo you to survive.
2. cooking so much food to avoid the risk of throwing it away
3. buying clothes every new season if you still have good quality decent clothes to wear.
4. buying and taking in junks such as junk foods, junk garage sale finds, free items etc.
5. paying others to clean and colour your own nails and hair. You can learn how to do it at home.
6. upping your friends and neighbors in terms on how you will dressed up and what you have. For all you know everybody is busy trying to up others to find time to even look at yours, too.
7. your ugly vice whatever it is such as smoking, drinking, wasting time gossiping, drugging and shopaholic ways and days.
8. negative talks and blaming people.
9. wasting energy in people who drags you down with their too much complaints and hatred with
whatever they have problem with
10....crying. Just scream and shout and exercise to release and just let go. Nothing here is permanent so take it easy..
1. shop for what on sale in food items
2. learn and accept wearing/using used items may it be from you own closets or Value Village
3. use vinegar for most household use for cleaning, dieting and cooking
4. read books and lessen tv time.
5. have an automatic deposit to one dedicated account just for saving money like a piggy bank . All deposits...no withdrawals
6. learn to repair your own clothes. Sewing is simple to learn by hand or machine and it will help you prolong the use of all and any fabric items you might need some mending or hemming.
7. buy local, eat at home and bring own lunch
8. be aware in spending habits and be honestly budget concious
9. walk as much as possible going to shop,work or school. It lessens the stress ,makes you alert and saves the environment.
10. have lovely positive people surround you and your family...it gives out good vibes,good energy and good karma.
11. have beautiful sex with your partner(if you have one) and assure each other no matter what...you will hold and love each other.
12. Love each other. Have faith that lack of money won't dissolve your relationship with others.