Friday, July 18, 2014

Past love and an open door...

It's always good to forgive especially ourselves.

I have been fooled and cheated on and what do I do? I forgive...always. Then one time came, I read the words self-respect. It resonated on my humbling reaction to people who hurt me and keeps on hurting me or what I have been building all along. What the heck?

This time I gave back a genuine  sneering aching remark. The forgiveness is a given but I will not face the same situation with grief dying inside me. It does not feel good yet it feels right and elation poured on me after the shock. Finally,I am giving my self-respect a stand on this incident and plan to continue to do so. It is not right to be cheated on over and over again especially when you both know you keep each other alive and inspired for many years. At least don't let me catch it! What is wrong with me? I asked to myself and to him...or it's all just him. I think that the story has run it's course. There is no more well to dig and the well we have, dried to speak. I miss the company but despise the lies and the madness of a shouting man.

Now, I am forgiving myself for being an idiot and stupid for allowing this person to have wasted the love and care given to where there is no hope and commitment. Yes, no commitment is passable but no respect is a total mischief. Anyway, a volatile relationship can only last so long.

I am glad I never closed my door.Now, I am dancing with joy again. Let's see where it leads me.

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