I love writing. I express what can not be by just saying it. There is more to my soulful perceptions and navigation of life's unfolding reality, hopes, lies and truths. I am deeply connected in writing and that the person who reads it may be transported not to somnolent state but to the realm of what being alive feels for me... whether they agree or not yet understand more without asking, without more judgment, without convictions of my weakness and ignorance.
I am just a regular human being with real pulchritude and complex way of enjoying simplicity. I write what my spirit dictates...what my heart aches...what my mind reads...that someone will see more than the physique that is present, that they will feel grace through the eloquence of my thoughts. Flummox by my ramblings or not...I know my readers heart are no innocent in it's spears and non minatory phrases.
Just as my kids gifted title comes partly from allowing them mellifluous creativity without restrictions as part of the discovery that they can do amazingly unique than others who are scared and stunted with fear of expression.
I am just a regular human being with real pulchritude and complex way of enjoying simplicity. I write what my spirit dictates...what my heart aches...what my mind reads...that someone will see more than the physique that is present, that they will feel grace through the eloquence of my thoughts. Flummox by my ramblings or not...I know my readers heart are no innocent in it's spears and non minatory phrases.
Just as my kids gifted title comes partly from allowing them mellifluous creativity without restrictions as part of the discovery that they can do amazingly unique than others who are scared and stunted with fear of expression.
I am still learning and so does everyone else. I am born with this unique thinking and feeling of 'things'. Thinking against the norm ,most of the time though has it's struggles and trying times though now I understand why people think I am weird at times.My brain uses the energy of the ever spiritual part of it's conscience and the sweet sinful things it thrives on pleasure... with all it's GODLY intent hanging over it's head.
The reality is only a concept of how I see and look at it... and mine is a mystifying artful forms and colors of energy that I, at times, won't agree on yet carefully and willingly dance through it's unseen power that either can make or break me. My writing and blogging is just a breath of it all...more word, more feeling and more questions....all, my own.
1 comment:
It's been a while since I first commented on your blog. I guess that if you like writing you like reading too. I'm not much of a blogger but you can read some of my scribling on line; Cambodia, personal perspectives, a sort of travelogue. Google it and you'll probably find it. Look forward to your observations!
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