Saturday, November 8, 2008

"BEFORE YOU BUY" checklist( and my Own Philosophy on buying stuff...

Before you buy, always ask yourself.

1. Do I really need it? If not, Do I really love it?
2. Is it worth the time and money to dust,store,clean, otherwise maintain?
3. How many hours will I have to work to pay for it?
4. Could I borrow it from the library,friend or anywhere else?
5. Is there anything I already own I could possibly use instead?
6. Are the resources that went into it renewable?
7. Is the product socially and environmentally friendly? ( not made with child labor, or from virgin timber)
8. Can I recycle it when I'm through with it? Or will it help clog a landfill?

I have this printed out and on my wall since 2001 from ESCAPE from AFFLUENZA (

I have created some more thought for my own reminder

Before I Buy it List

1. Do I need it now?
i.e. I have waited for my kids to grow up before we bought a new couch. That's about 3 yrs ago. They are now 14 and 13. I bought second hand twice before and it served as well for the price I bought them and given it to some friends.

2. Is it on sale or reasonably priced and how long can I use it for that price?
1.e. If it's a beautiful long dress for $100 and i will use it only once or twice then I am not buying it. If it is something i can wear for an equivalent of $1 a day then it is worth it...which means i have to be able to wear it at at least 100 days. That goes to my other items at home.The couch which we bought for $1,500 will last me about 5 yrs and that is 365 x5 which is $1,825, then it's paid for it. It is now on it's third year and that includes the furniture protection plan for 5 yrs.

3. Can I really afford to pay for it in cash?
or maybe installments without interest will be the great. It is same as cash.

4. Do I really love it and can live with it?
It has to appeal aesthetically to me and fit my taste and/or surrounding...or I can wait more.

5. Is it easy to maintain and recyclable?
No dry cleanings and chemicals for me to maintain it's beautiful look. If I can donate it and or repair it or re purpose it then it's a go.

6. If I can have it's better.

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