Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Everyday is special...yet there are days that makes it much more celebrated. It is Christmas time and asking ourselves of the strength of our faith is very timely and appropriate...and this is that time of the year where we are connecting deeper and genuinely to each other. I thank God for Christ was born and I have Christmas to celebrate his birthday. This is my favorite time of the year and I am so blessed to celebrate it with happy and healthy body and mind.
Thank you all for reading my blogs and to all....GOD BLESS AND GOOD LUCK!!!

Merry  Christmas ,indeed!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Yes,many things has happened and I went thru many crying nights...and happier days yet I was not writing  it just because i was living it. I have a little bit of time now and little snippets of what gathered my strength from those many days of weakness and surviving with great hurrah is listed below.

1. Once you asked God for help...TRUST
Better stop reeling your brain in how to go about it, too much, in details...He is faithful and will be there to to help.

2. Once you have given your deepest concern to HIM...Let it go.
You have given it to HIM so why be sitting on it? Let God do his job and do yours accordingly. So stop worrying.

3. Be prayerful, hopeful and forgiving
Love is truly the answer.

4. Take care of yourself in the middle of the  storm
So when the 'fox' (problems/worries) tries to eat you can't.

5. Believe
In the good ...and the best is yet to come. Make your every new day your very best day. Who is going to give that great good day to us but ourselves ? Believe that all these trials shall pass and shall be forgotten...and survived.

6. Feel the pain...but stop yourself from bleeding.
It is all in the  reaction to what is presented to us...not the actual reality of what could it be. It is how we carry it and solve or resolve the concern which makes us wiser, stronger and pass this test with much less grief, quickly.

7. Love yourself first
...and anything that bothers you or concerns you is easier to tackle...because you are loved by yourself that you have become focus and deliberate in your attack and resolutions to all that ails your everyday living.

8. CUT the dead limbs... release that lagan of  your buoy... stop the dripping poison
Stay free and be real to yourself and all the people that truly concerns you. If you stay true to your personal being and authentic to what you need, you will be a genuine survivor and winner to all life's obstacles.Get rid of or avoid what does not work...and hurt...and anything that tries to kill your spirit.