Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Chritmas to all!

I have been so excited with Christmas that I have neglected to show off my humble but proud christmas tree that I am so happy to decorate yearly. I love it so much that i have to have it again much earlier next year. I put it up only on the second week of December.

What are my wishes??? How about you? It is a great feeling to make a wish and imagine and hope for it to come true. I sure wish I  have more than a million dollars and and a family whom I can share it with. And  to survive all the trials and tribulations that the use of money can create.
My beloved time of the year is the Christmas season...a day is not enough for me to spend Christmas. It is the
the most wonderful feeling and  is not just to  give and  receive but be  amongst the loveones who truly care and honestly love us. The ones who had given me scars yet because of the lessons are the ones that healed me,too... effectively and spiritually.

May YOU all be Blessed and Be Merry this Christmas and a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year!